Neural Wraith 3 Pre-Order

Neural Wraith 3 is up for pre-order on Amazon, with a release date of March 14.

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

The early parts of the book feel a little like writing a cyberpunk thriller and the book description reads that way, but I expect to ease up on that later on. Even so, you can probably expect the same differences in vibe here that you saw between books 1 and 2. The fun of an episodic series - same characters and setting, but the different scenarios and focus allow for some very different experiences.

Chapters going up on Patreon etc. You should know that Patreon has entered the modern era and now works on a rolling 30-day subscription period, rather than a fixed monthly one (i.e. you can’t just cancel at the start of each month). I’ll be taking part of March and April off, but should be active for the next 30 days (and then on break for the 30 after that).

In audiobook news, Neural Wraith 2 will be up for pre-order on Audible soon. I also remember saying that for nearly a month with the original Neural Wraith, so fingers crossed that doesn’t happen again. The release date is 21 March, exactly one week after Neural Wraith 3, so you’ll get a double dose of androids.

The audio for Heretic Spellblade 5 should be out mid-April.

Anyway, I’m really busy, so catch you all at the start of March. I’ll do my monthly update before the release post for Neural Wraith 3.


A Delay


Change of Plans