Demon’s Throne 3 is Live

It looks like Demon’s Throne 3 is available basically everywhere now. Rys is taking back his power and an island while more and more attention focuses on him, but there’s still plenty of humor and more than enough politics. Oh, and fluffy tails.

Grab the book from Amazon here:

As always: read, review, share. Reviews are definitely appreciated and still make a huge difference, and I do read them. Amazon relies extremely heavily on reviews to know what to recommend, much like how Youtube relies on likes, comments etc to measure “engagement.”

This book is just shy of Spellblade 4’s length, so there’s plenty of book to keep you going. Lots of new characters, new lore, and some fun twists that I’ll avoid spoiling. Amazon page counts are always a bit funny, and this one’s will change once I publish the paperback. I’m trying to avoid making my books too much longer, as otherwise they’ll take even longer to write and the plots will easily become bloated. This length feels like the sweet spot for me.

Although I’m willing to bet the final book will probably end up being much bigger. I’m committed to making Demon’s Throne a 6-book series, and then exploring the possibility of extending it or making a sequel series at a later date. But that’s much further down the track.

People have been asking about audiobooks. The first book is in the middle of recording, and the second should start once it’s done. They’ll be dual narration, and I’ll announce more details once they’re finally ready to release (as I don’t want to jinx things after a bumpy ride getting to this point).

I’m working on Spellblades 5 and 6 next. They’re part of a combined two-part plot, so I’ll need to have Book 6 in hand before Book 5 is published. There may be some news on Emperor 3 and other books in the meantime, but that will likely be on my Patreon first.

Finally, if you spot any typos or other mistakes in the new book (or any other book), please let me know about them using the anonymous form below. This allows me to quickly fix them and improve the experience for later readers. Thanks!

Mistakes form:


May Update


Demon’s Throne 3 Pre-Order