Heretic Spellblade 3 Audio is Live
The latest audiobook for Heretic Spellblade just released on Audible. It’s another 17 hours of Stephanie’s great narration, so be sure to check it out if audio is your thing. As always, reviews are appreciated and I hope you like it enough to share it with others.
Book 3:
I’ve also provided links to the first two books, in case you’ve missed them.
Book 2:
Book 1:
For me, the Twins stole the show of Book 3. They have some amazing scenes in the book, and Stephanie brings them to life. If you’ve already read the book, I imagine they’ll be a treat. If you haven’t, I hope you enjoy the ride.
I’m beavering away at Book 4 right now (still aiming for that Christmas/NY release), and obviously the audio can’t start recording until it’s done. The first chapters have gone up on my Patreon, and the book promises to be a wild ride from start to finish.
There should be a general update post right at the start of December, so tune back in then.