December Update

2022 is almost over and I can’t really believe it. The year’s flown by. Can’t say I’ve gotten anywhere near as much down as I hoped to, although part of that is because I got burned out and needed a lengthy break. I’m pretty bad at schedules but that threw a really bad wrench in the works.

Before I go any further, Neural Wraith 2 news. It’s my next book and it’s up for pre-order, with a release date of 3 Jan. Earlier might have been possible, but I’m going to try doing an actual pre-order (and this will help keep me honest, as I’m already very behind). Chapters are going up on Patreon right now.

Amazon US:

Amazon UK:

I’ve been a bit of a mess for the past few months, and in retrospect I believe I would have been better off pushing through and getting Spellblade 6 done before taking a break. My headspace was terrible for shifting gears, and while my break was good, it was also very short notice. I also had a lot of IRL stuff that I more or less abandoned that consumed the last couple of weeks and I only finally tucked away recently. Pretty bad adulting on my part.

But what’s done is done. I’m currently on a bit of a writing grind, and expect to keep that up until the end of February, with brief breaks for Christmas and mid-Jan. I’m (overly) optimistic that will let me get a couple of books done if I stick with it.

In other news, Demon’s Throne 2 audio is out on 27 Dec, and you can pre-order it on Audible right now. Mina’s voice was very fun to listen to. Emperor Awakened audio is nearly done - it’s taking a little longer as a newly written epilogue is being added. My guess is that it will be out in January.

Happy holidays, Merry Christmas, etcetera, and I’ll see you after Christmas.

P.S. The cover girl is Ezekiel.




Demon’s Throne Audio is Live