February Update
I’m not dead, just tired. January was a pretty shitty month and I got a lot less done than I wanted. Even now, I have a horrific toothache thanks to one of my wisdom teeth acting up.
But you’re here for news, not my whining.
Mob Sorcery 4 will be out in mid-March
Demon’s Throne 4 will finally be the book after that. Hopefully May/June release. Mob Sorcery will go on hold, as my plans to keep it running as a serial screwed over DT once again.
Mob Sorcery 3 audio should be out in May/June. No hard date here, sadly, but the recording date isn’t until March/April. With any luck, Mob 4 will get recorded much quicker.
Demon’s Throne 1 and Neural Wraith 1 audiobooks are available for free in Audible’s Plus catalog. If you have an Audible membership, they’re included. If you want to keep the audiobook, you still need to buy it, though.

October Update
All’s quiet on the writing front. Well, not quite. Mob Sorcery 3 is going well, and there are plenty of chapters on Patreon if you want to read it now (as many people are).
But on to the news:
Mob Sorcery 3 should be out some time in November. Probably the 2nd or 3rd week, with a short preorder period.
Heretic Spellblade 8’s audiobook releases on November 5th. Yes, that November 5th. Pre-order for a healthy distraction from real life and to listen to the grand finale of the series.
March Update
The long awaited update where I tell you Spellblade is still cooking. Anyway, news:
Spellblade 7/8 release date is basically unchanged May-July for both books, one month apart, to finish the series.
Spellblade 7 has finally resumed on Patreon. I’ll be away during April but will still have scheduled chapters to post for those subbed there.
Mob Sorcery 2 audio has a very tentative release date of July. Can easily change this far out.
There’s a Mob Christmas Special on Patreon, but it will eventually (keyword: eventually) be folded into the third book.

January Update
Late update, but with big news. I suspect word has spread to some extent already so I’ll get into it.
I’ve already thrown out my schedule because I’ve decided to finish Heretic Spellblade. I’m writing a two-part ending with Books 7 and 8. Once both are done, I’ll release them a month apart. I won’t be releasing Book 7 until both are done, in order to avoid past issues where I’ve tried to write two books and failed.
The upshot is that there is going to be a lengthy delay before my next release. I want to get both done by the end of March, but it’s more likely to be May.

December Update
I’m speedrunning “invalidate my schedule” and have already changed it up. Due to complications such as “not finishing the damn book”, I’ve switch Mob Sorcery 2 and Heretic Spellblade 7’s release dates.
So Mob Sorcery 2 is up for pre-order on Amazon now-ish (it’s just waiting for Amazon’s system to let you find it), with a December 15 release date. Heretic Spellblade 7 will be pushed back to late January. No change to Demon’s Throne 4 in March.

November Update
I’ve been slacking on making a public update, so let’s make this quick.
My schedule has finally been updated and you can see it with this update, after I completely failed to stick to my original 2023 one. This covers less time and focuses on books I think I can get out. Demon’s Throne 4 is the most tentative item on the list, as it might get delayed by a couple of months in the worst case scenario.
June Update
It’s tradition now for me to post my monthly update before the start of each month, so why stop now? A short but less grim update. I recommend reading my previous post about my current situation if you haven’t already, as I don’t really want to repeat those messages and constantly be a downer.
I’m posting 3-5 chapters a week on Patreon of a new series until July or so. It’s an urban fantasy series with mafia wolfgirls, birdgirls, demons etc in an alternate universe setting and no masquerade. It’s a lighthearted story with a strong emphasis on the character relationships. I started writing it for fun, as 2023 has been pretty shit, and people seem to like it.It’ll be at couple of months minimum before it hits Amazon, and I plan to always have extra chapters on Patreon. So check it out there if you’re interested.

April/May Update
It’s been a slow month, but I have a bit of news on the writing front. There’s also some fairly serious news in this update.
First, my next release(s) will be Heretic Spellblade 6 and 7. I’ll be writing this as a single large book and splitting it into two books, each roughly the size of the first books in the series, rather than the massive tomes from later in the series. This is due to reasons I’ll elaborate on later in this update, but the short version is that times are rough in the genre and I’m not sure I can afford to spend several months between massive books. The alternative is to just stop, so I’m trying this instead.

December Update
2022 is almost over and I can’t really believe it. The year’s flown by. Can’t say I’ve gotten anywhere near as much down as I hoped to, although part of that is because I got burned out and needed a lengthy break. I’m pretty bad at schedules but that threw a really bad wrench in the works.
Before I go any further, Neural Wraith 2 news. It’s my next book and it’s up for pre-order, with a release date of 3 Jan. Earlier might have been possible, but I’m going to try doing an actual pre-order (and this will help keep me honest, as I’m already very behind). Chapters are going up on Patreon right now.
Amazon US: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BP9KWBDN
Amazon UK: https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0BP9KWBDN

October update
Quiet month, but I have lots to announce. Especially on the audio front, as November will be an avalanche of audiobook releases from me.
Neural Wraith 2 in December. Early Patreon chapters will start going up in November, for those interested.
I have three audiobooks coming out in November, with more hot on their heels. Pre-orders for these books will go up over the next two weeks, so keep an eye out. I’ll make separate posts whenever each comes out.
Neural Wraith 1 releases Nov 1. It has an excellent narration by Stephanie Savannah and I’ve actually been listening to the entire thing since I got the MP3s from Podium. Get it.