March Update
I come bearing news of mafia wolfgirls on the horizon. Mob Sorcery 4 will be going up for pre-order within the next week or two. The exact release date will be between the 20th and 26th (leaning toward the later date rn).
The pre-order will only be around a week long, so keep an eye out for it. I’ll briefly announce it on Patreon and FB, and I imagine it will show up in other communities.
While I’m still not sticking to a hard schedule, I do have a very indicative one to help with what I plan to release this year. So check out the attached image.

January Update
Late update, but with big news. I suspect word has spread to some extent already so I’ll get into it.
I’ve already thrown out my schedule because I’ve decided to finish Heretic Spellblade. I’m writing a two-part ending with Books 7 and 8. Once both are done, I’ll release them a month apart. I won’t be releasing Book 7 until both are done, in order to avoid past issues where I’ve tried to write two books and failed.
The upshot is that there is going to be a lengthy delay before my next release. I want to get both done by the end of March, but it’s more likely to be May.

November Update
I’ve been slacking on making a public update, so let’s make this quick.
My schedule has finally been updated and you can see it with this update, after I completely failed to stick to my original 2023 one. This covers less time and focuses on books I think I can get out. Demon’s Throne 4 is the most tentative item on the list, as it might get delayed by a couple of months in the worst case scenario.

July Update
I’ve been busy writing this month, which means this should be a simple monthly update, but I still have a couple of important-ish announcements to make. Nothing troubling, though.
The news:
Neural Wraith 3’s audiobook is available for preorder on Audible and releases on the 1st August. Check it out here: https://www.audible.com/pd/Neural-Wraith-3-Audiobook/B0C9FN6G2X
The first book in my new urban fantasy series is complete on my Patreon, and I’ll be posting the second book there until Spellblade chapters are ready later in July.

2023 Schedule
Time for a hopefully accurate publishing schedule for the year. After last year, I’m going with a more relaxed approach to my books. There may be extras in between, but this is just what I’m committing to in the hopes of finally getting on top of things. In practice, this doesn’t change my publishing pace (it’s still 4 book a year) but I’ll stop trying to compete with the book a month or faster folks, as it’s just not worth the hassle.
Before I jump into things, know that the Emperor Awakened audio is up for pre-order and will be out on the 21st. Demon’s Throne 3 audio will be out on the 31st. Links below.

2022 Schedule
It’s a new year, a new book is already out, and I have plans for many more. This post will summarize my plans for 2022. I have a bad history with schedules for my writing. As such, I won’t be putting hard dates to anything and this will be a fairly conservative schedule overall.

Schedule Update
It’s been a while since I’ve made a schedule post. I suspect a few people are unaware what book is coming out next, as I haven’t officially announced it yet or done a cover reveal. Hopefully this post clears some things up, and sets expectations.
Late April / Early May 2021: Demon General (working title) - new series

Publishing Schedule (tentative)
I figured I’d give people a heads up regarding what’s coming next, after I vanished for so long last time. Read through to see what I’m publishing in the next few months.