Mob Sorcery 4 is Live
mob sorcery K.D. Robertson mob sorcery K.D. Robertson

Mob Sorcery 4 is Live

The time has come for the heist and the return of mafia wolfgirls - Mob Sorcery 4 is out. While not quite as long as the third book, there’s plenty of action, twists, and suspense (and tail fluffing).


Please leave a review and share the book, as they always make a difference. And while I don’t get paid twice for rereads, you might want to consider giving Books 2 and 3 another look once you finish this one as you’ll see a lot of events and dialogue in a new light.

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March Update
mob sorcery, schedule K.D. Robertson mob sorcery, schedule K.D. Robertson

March Update

I come bearing news of mafia wolfgirls on the horizon. Mob Sorcery 4 will be going up for pre-order within the next week or two. The exact release date will be between the 20th and 26th (leaning toward the later date rn).

The pre-order will only be around a week long, so keep an eye out for it. I’ll briefly announce it on Patreon and FB, and I imagine it will show up in other communities.

While I’m still not sticking to a hard schedule, I do have a very indicative one to help with what I plan to release this year. So check out the attached image.

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February Update
mob sorcery, demons throne, monthlyupdate K.D. Robertson mob sorcery, demons throne, monthlyupdate K.D. Robertson

February Update

I’m not dead, just tired. January was a pretty shitty month and I got a lot less done than I wanted. Even now, I have a horrific toothache thanks to one of my wisdom teeth acting up.

But you’re here for news, not my whining.

  • Mob Sorcery 4 will be out in mid-March

  • Demon’s Throne 4 will finally be the book after that. Hopefully May/June release. Mob Sorcery will go on hold, as my plans to keep it running as a serial screwed over DT once again.

  • Mob Sorcery 3 audio should be out in May/June. No hard date here, sadly, but the recording date isn’t until March/April. With any luck, Mob 4 will get recorded much quicker.

  • Demon’s Throne 1 and Neural Wraith 1 audiobooks are available for free in Audible’s Plus catalog. If you have an Audible membership, they’re included. If you want to keep the audiobook, you still need to buy it, though.

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Mob Sorcery 3 is Live
mob sorcery, demons throne K.D. Robertson mob sorcery, demons throne K.D. Robertson

Mob Sorcery 3 is Live

The latest and greatest in mafia wolfgirls is out, and you can now read Mob Sorcery 3. It’s a big book - equivalent in word count to my longer Spellblade books - and contains plenty of plot, flirting, exploration of magic, and even a big Christmas special crammed into one novel.


Reviews are extremely welcome and important, as is sharing the book with anyone you think will enjoy it. I was away from this series longer than I intended to be, thanks to getting lost in the mess that was finishing Heretic Spellblade (never again).

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October Update

October Update

All’s quiet on the writing front. Well, not quite. Mob Sorcery 3 is going well, and there are plenty of chapters on Patreon if you want to read it now (as many people are).

But on to the news:

  • Mob Sorcery 3 should be out some time in November. Probably the 2nd or 3rd week, with a short preorder period.

  • Heretic Spellblade 8’s audiobook releases on November 5th. Yes, that November 5th. Pre-order for a healthy distraction from real life and to listen to the grand finale of the series.

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Mob Sorcery 2 Audio is Live
mob sorcery, audiobooks K.D. Robertson mob sorcery, audiobooks K.D. Robertson

Mob Sorcery 2 Audio is Live

Once again, it’s time to get your fix of mafia wolfgirls through your ear buds with Mob Sorcery 2’s audio. It’s out on Audible now, so go grab it.


Stephanie’s delivered an amazing performance with the huge array of characters and accents, as the Yakuza show up in force alongside Aulfair’s many factions. There’s plenty of action in the book (of both kinds), so if you enjoyed the first book, you’ll love this one.

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Heretic Spellblade 7/8 Pre-Order is Live
heretic spellblade, mob sorcery, audiobooks K.D. Robertson heretic spellblade, mob sorcery, audiobooks K.D. Robertson

Heretic Spellblade 7/8 Pre-Order is Live

The pre-orders for Heretic Spellblades 7 & 8 are up on Amazon right now. If you’ve read the series, you can go right to the links below and pre-order them now or mark the dates to borrow them when the books come out on Kindle Unlimited. This is the climactic end of Heretic Spellblade.

Heretic Spellblade 7:

Heretic Spellblade 8:

Book 7 releases on June 15th (next Saturday!) and Book 8 on July 26th. They’re big books and I hope they’ll be a fitting end to the series that let me become a full-time author. Audiobook production should begin not long after they release, so there shouldn’t be too big of a wait, but there will still be one.

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heretic spellblade, audiobooks, mob sorcery K.D. Robertson heretic spellblade, audiobooks, mob sorcery K.D. Robertson

May Update

I live. But still no firm release date.

For those only interested in the short version:

  • Spellblade 7 will hopefully be out on the first or second weekend of June. I’ll do a fairly short pre-order for it (around a week).

  • Spellblade 8 will go up for pre-order at the same time, scheduled a month later. I’ll make a post when both go up.

  • Mob Sorcery 2 audio should be out in early July. Look out for the pre-order soon-ish (probably June?)

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monthlyupdate, heretic spellblade, mob sorcery K.D. Robertson monthlyupdate, heretic spellblade, mob sorcery K.D. Robertson

March Update

The long awaited update where I tell you Spellblade is still cooking. Anyway, news:

  • Spellblade 7/8 release date is basically unchanged May-July for both books, one month apart, to finish the series.

  • Spellblade 7 has finally resumed on Patreon. I’ll be away during April but will still have scheduled chapters to post for those subbed there.

  • Mob Sorcery 2 audio has a very tentative release date of July. Can easily change this far out.

  • There’s a Mob Christmas Special on Patreon, but it will eventually (keyword: eventually) be folded into the third book.

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