February Update

I’m not dead, just tired. January was a pretty shitty month and I got a lot less done than I wanted. Even now, I have a horrific toothache thanks to one of my wisdom teeth acting up.

But you’re here for news, not my whining.

  • Mob Sorcery 4 will be out in mid-March

  • Demon’s Throne 4 will finally be the book after that. Hopefully May/June release. Mob Sorcery will go on hold, as my plans to keep it running as a serial screwed over DT once again.

  • Mob Sorcery 3 audio should be out in May/June. No hard date here, sadly, but the recording date isn’t until March/April. With any luck, Mob 4 will get recorded much quicker.

  • Demon’s Throne 1 and Neural Wraith 1 audiobooks are available for free in Audible’s Plus catalog. If you have an Audible membership, they’re included. If you want to keep the audiobook, you still need to buy it, though.

I’m not doing a hard schedule for 2025 due to my inability to adhere to them. Things are already off to a rough start.

Mob Sorcery 4 chapters are going up on Patreon, and will be actively posted until it goes up, so you can read it early there if you don’t want to wait for it to release. There will likely be a break on Patreon while I work on Demon’s Throne 4.

Also, I plan to do my best to return to monthly updates again. I’m been very bad at them, particularly with my slower releases, and I imagine that’s frustrating for people who want to know what’s happening if you’re not following me on Patreon or Discord.

I’ll be back at the start of March to confirm the Mob 4 release date.


Mob Sorcery 3 is Live