Upcoming audiobook release reminder time. Not much else to say, other than Neural Wraith 3 will be out at the end of the month (and sorry again for the delay).

Neural Wraith 2’s audio releases on March 21st, so feel free to pre-order it. I’ve been listening to it during breaks while working on the 3rd book and it’s a delight as always to hear Stephanie’s voice work. She has a real talent for making villainous characters sound amazing, and hearing her voice a new mainframe, Lilith, makes me want to bring her back into the series earlier than I planned. It’s a great book, with great voice work, so I hope you enjoy it.

Audible Link: https://www.audible.com/pd/B0BW18SWY2

Heretic Spellblade 5 is finally coming out on audio. I’ve received a lot of messages about this one, so you can finally listen to this chonker of an audiobook. It’s over 20 hours long. I’m looking forward to finding the time to squeeze in listening to it (but I’m willing to guarantee it’s even better than the past books, and that Stephanie’s done an amazing job). If you haven’t read the book, know that the length isn’t for show - it takes a while to ramp up, but has a very action-packed last-third.

Audible Link: https://www.audible.com/pd/B0BY3HQ4WR

After these releases, it’ll be a while before I have anymore audio releases. Mostly because I need to write more books. I imagine Neural Wraith 3 will be next, but given I’m taking a break after that book to reorganize, we’ll need to see.

Anyway, my next post will be when Neural Wraith 2’s audio is out. Until then!


Neural Wraith 2 Audio is Live


A Delay