Neural Wraith 2 Audio is Live

Neural Wraith 2’s audio is out and you can actually download and listen to it now. If you received an error or it wouldn’t add to your library, try again now and it should work. If it doesn’t, let me know and I’ll follow up. No clue what happened, other than weird Audible stuff. A huge thanks to everyone who let me know that it finally works, too.

Audible US:

Audible UK:

I think the book itself is pretty fantastic, and Stephanie has done an amazing job voicing it. Kushiel still remains my favorite character to listen to (I might have a bias), but both Lilith and Lucida ended up being a delight to listen to. While Lilith was always planned as a returning character (eventually), I think I might bring her return forward when I start outlining more books in the series.

If you enjoy it, I’d really appreciate a review. I do worry that this initial download issue will cause some serious problems with the release, so any help may give it a boost and stop it from potentially floundering.

Anyway, Book 3 is out in like 10 days. No estimate on its audio, though.


Neural Wraith 3 is Live


March Update