February Update

Trying out this whole ‘regularly updating readers’ thing, instead of not saying anything for ages.

  • I’m recruiting beta readers for future books. Send me an email or message me on FB if you’re interested in providing feedback on semi-final copies of my stuff. I’ll do a more formal call either at the end of Feb or the start of March, when I’m closer to sending out my next book.

  • Heretic Spellblade is unfortunately on a knife’s edge as to whether I extend the series out from the initially planned four books. I’ll have time to think this over, but a lot fewer people came back to read the sequel than I’d hoped based on early sales - I can't make people read my books, and sales makes the opinion of the harem crowd fairly clear on the sort of books they prefer. This mostly means certain characters and areas won’t get explored, but the plot will wrap up well enough. I’ll do a post-mortem and consider adjusting how I write future books, but feedback has been extremely inconsistent save for proofreading complaints (which probably says something in and of itself).

  • The map of Doumahr is still in limbo. It’s basically done, save for actually putting down a bunch of names and places and adjusting it to display properly in black and white. The current version of the map can be seen below.

  • I’m still wary about putting up a schedule post. All I’ll say is that I’m hoping to release my next three books in the first half of the year, and those include Heretic Spellblade 3, the last book of Empire Reforged, and the first book in a new series.

Thanks again to everybody who's read or reviewed my books - I'm glad a lot of people did enjoy Heretic Spellblade 2. Despite the tone of this update, things are going well (there aren't any planned hiatuses while I rethink my writing entirely).


March Update


Heretic Spellblade 2: Extra Details