Mob Sorcery 4 is Live
The time has come for the heist and the return of mafia wolfgirls - Mob Sorcery 4 is out. While not quite as long as the third book, there’s plenty of action, twists, and suspense (and tail fluffing).
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0F1DJFJFZ
Please leave a review and share the book, as they always make a difference. And while I don’t get paid twice for rereads, you might want to consider giving Books 2 and 3 another look once you finish this one as you’ll see a lot of events and dialogue in a new light.

March Update
I come bearing news of mafia wolfgirls on the horizon. Mob Sorcery 4 will be going up for pre-order within the next week or two. The exact release date will be between the 20th and 26th (leaning toward the later date rn).
The pre-order will only be around a week long, so keep an eye out for it. I’ll briefly announce it on Patreon and FB, and I imagine it will show up in other communities.
While I’m still not sticking to a hard schedule, I do have a very indicative one to help with what I plan to release this year. So check out the attached image.

February Update
I’m not dead, just tired. January was a pretty shitty month and I got a lot less done than I wanted. Even now, I have a horrific toothache thanks to one of my wisdom teeth acting up.
But you’re here for news, not my whining.
Mob Sorcery 4 will be out in mid-March
Demon’s Throne 4 will finally be the book after that. Hopefully May/June release. Mob Sorcery will go on hold, as my plans to keep it running as a serial screwed over DT once again.
Mob Sorcery 3 audio should be out in May/June. No hard date here, sadly, but the recording date isn’t until March/April. With any luck, Mob 4 will get recorded much quicker.
Demon’s Throne 1 and Neural Wraith 1 audiobooks are available for free in Audible’s Plus catalog. If you have an Audible membership, they’re included. If you want to keep the audiobook, you still need to buy it, though.

Mob Sorcery 3 is Live
The latest and greatest in mafia wolfgirls is out, and you can now read Mob Sorcery 3. It’s a big book - equivalent in word count to my longer Spellblade books - and contains plenty of plot, flirting, exploration of magic, and even a big Christmas special crammed into one novel.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0DNKPRXQR
Reviews are extremely welcome and important, as is sharing the book with anyone you think will enjoy it. I was away from this series longer than I intended to be, thanks to getting lost in the mess that was finishing Heretic Spellblade (never again).
Pre-Order Mob Sorcery 3
A very short post. Mob Sorcery 3 is up for pre-order on Amazon. It will release on Nov 27th. I have no date for the audiobook, obviously.

Heretic Spellblade 8 Audio is Live
The grand finale of Heretic Spellblade is finally out on audio, so go get it from Audible right now. It’s a big book with nearly 22 hours of Stephanie’s amazing narration to bring the series to an epic close.
Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Heretic-Spellblade-8-Audiobook/B0DJCGVPRP
Listen, review, share, etc. This is the last audiobook in the series, so it’s also the last big chance for the algorithm to share it with others. A huge thank you to everyone who has shared the series with anyone or left a review in the past, as it helps a lot.

October Update
All’s quiet on the writing front. Well, not quite. Mob Sorcery 3 is going well, and there are plenty of chapters on Patreon if you want to read it now (as many people are).
But on to the news:
Mob Sorcery 3 should be out some time in November. Probably the 2nd or 3rd week, with a short preorder period.
Heretic Spellblade 8’s audiobook releases on November 5th. Yes, that November 5th. Pre-order for a healthy distraction from real life and to listen to the grand finale of the series.

Heretic Spellblade 7 Audio is Live
The penultimate Heretic Spellblade is now out on audio, with over 25 hours of Stephanie Savannah’s amazing narration waiting to deliver plenty of twists and turns. If you’ve managed to hold off on reading the book, then you’re in for a ride with some big events over the course of the book. if you have read the book, then you know what you’re getting.
Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/B0DDM9B6RW
You definitely know the drill by now: please leave a review if you enjoy it and let others know it’s out and they should give it a listen, especially with the series nearing its end.

Heretic Spellblade 8 is Live
Heretic Spellblade comes to an end today as the final book just released. Nathan needs to finally secure everything he’s achieved in the past seven books, even as the godlike beings behind the Messengers take a personal interest.
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0D69D3QRM
Please leave a review and share the series if you enjoyed it. This is really the last chance for the series to see any real limelight as it finishes and goes into my backlog as my first finished series.

Mob Sorcery 2 Audio is Live
Once again, it’s time to get your fix of mafia wolfgirls through your ear buds with Mob Sorcery 2’s audio. It’s out on Audible now, so go grab it.
Audible: https://www.audible.com/pd/Mob-Sorcery-2-Audiobook/B0D5T7B3K6
Stephanie’s delivered an amazing performance with the huge array of characters and accents, as the Yakuza show up in force alongside Aulfair’s many factions. There’s plenty of action in the book (of both kinds), so if you enjoyed the first book, you’ll love this one.